National Poetry Day (Again)

The writers I know fall into two broad categories: those who enjoy writing to a prompt, and those who are deterred by the very thought. I fall into the former camp. I assume the others must be blessed with much more fertile imaginations than mine.

Today, it has been decreed by someone, is National Poetry Day. The theme this year is Truth. Such a vast subject. Such a small poem –

Passionate in their opposing views,
each postulates a fact that justifies
his standpoint, narrowly, and we must choose
where, broadly, we believe the truth lies.


And now just a quick plug for the Penshurst Literary Festival this weekend where, among other very worthy contenders, I will be reading a poem shortlisted for the Sir Philip Sidney Poetry Prize. Poetry and Ploughmans free event this Sunday, October 6th.
Penshurst Festival

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